Children of Memory – Adrian Tchaikovsky
In the enchanting world of the Children of Memory, where dreams hold extraordinary power, a young girl named Lily embarks on an epic journey to discover the truth about her own forgotten past. Guided by the mysterious Memory Keepers, Lily must navigate through magical realms, encountering talking animals, mythical creatures, and encountering challenges she never dreamed of.
With each step, Lily unravels a captivating mystery that leads her closer to her true destiny, and unveils the incredible power of memories. Will Lily conquer the shadows of her past and harness her own extraordinary memories to save the world she knows and loves? Join Lily on this mesmerizing adventure brimming with wonder, friendship, and the joy of remembering. Children of Memory is a tale that will not only capture young hearts, but remind readers of all ages the importance of cherishing every memory.
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Adrian Tchaikovsky is a British author celebrated for his diverse contributions to speculative fiction, with a particular focus on science fiction and fantasy. Born in 1972, Tchaikovsky's background as a legal executive and keen interest in zoology infuse his writing with a unique blend of imaginative worlds and biological insight. Known for his award-winning "Children of Time" series and the critically acclaimed "Shadows of the Apt" series, Tchaikovsky has established himself as a prolific and versatile storyteller, captivating readers with his intricate plots and richly developed characters.